Storage Fees & Abandoned Cargo
All packages must be collected within 3 days of the date on which the “Charges added to your account” notification is sent (the "Deadline"). Otherwise, a fee of CI$30 per day will be charged for storage.
Per day charges are applicable when packages are held in Ship To Cayman's Cayman Islands location beyond the Deadline.
Ship To Cayman and/or any employee or agent may refuse release or delivery of packages for which storage or other charges are not paid.
Any packages remaining in the Florida warehouse or the Cayman Islands location in excess of 10 days shall be considered abandoned.
Abandoned packages shall be subject to sale by Ship To Cayman as payment of all outstanding fees and costs.
Policy Implementation
With immediate effect:
Due to the increasing number of abandoned packages and delinquent customers (i.e. customers who do not pay for their packages or who do not pay in a timely manner), and noting that STC currently advances all fees and charges for our customers, STC has determined to implement the below policy.
1. Payment for all shipments is due on the date on which the email notification confirming a status of “Charges added to your account" is sent. We require that customers who are expecting a package would monitor their emails or their STC account and make payment. Payments can be made online, over the phone or in store with a debit or credit card. For security reasons. We no longer accept cash payment in store.
2. Failure to make payment within 3 working days of such date will result in storage fees of CI$25 per day being applied, commencing on the 4th working day.
3. After 10 working days, the shipment will be considered abandoned and STC will seek legal action or sell the items to recover the fees advanced.
4. We will now request prepayment from known offenders for all their shipments.